Monday, June 2, 2008

Acne white heads on face and how to properly treat acne

- Garlic for Treating Acne - More than likely you have heard of all the health benefits of eating garlic, but you may not know that garlic can also be used for effective acne treatment. You can eat garlic to help purify the body and eliminate acne from the inside out and you can rub raw garlic right on your skin to treat the problem from the outside as well.
Benzoyl peroxide is very effective on any kinds of acne, including blackheads. Just by applying a thin layer of benzoyl peroxide everyday, you are actually effectively preventing your blackheads. Do not overuse. This drug is very irritating and may cause serious rashes and itchiness if you overuse. Do not use more than twice a day. Also, if you have sensitive skin and irritation occurs easily even if you are using the gentlest cream, do not think about using benzoyl peroxide.
What are the expected results from the blue light acne treatment?
tags: proactive acne medicine free trial, acne medication during pregnancy, very bad cases of acne

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