Monday, August 4, 2008

Id anti acne lotion and chronic cystic acne

Sometimes when the body reacts to drugs taken, it shows in the form of an outbreak of Acne. This is why the use of narcotics can result in an outbreak and why drug addicts will usually have pimples on their skin.
Very often acne rosacea is misdiagnosed or even ignored. There are obvious differences between acne rosacea and the common acne (acne vulgaris). Acne vulgaris is the usual puberty whiteheads and blackheads condition. Rosacea is developed by people in the 30-50 years old age range and it affects the facial skin in the nose, chicks, forehead and it's not associated with the oil glands sebum production.
Processed meats are overall entirely lacking nutritional value. Meat pies, hot dogs, frozen meats all go through an extensive preparation process which extracts the little nutritional value they have and also allow them to further 'decompose' making them even more acidifying than they already were. Even fresh meat is notorious for its negative effects on pH balance. It is a general fact that a dead animal will have an acidifying effect on your body. That is not to say that it is completely unhealthy. Meat will always have its benefits; protein, energy, some nutrients. But over-indulging in any type of meat is definitely not a healthy choice. In particular, red meats should be kept to an absolute minimum. White meats like poultry and seafood are better options as they are less acidifying and still provide the necessary proteins that a meat should.
tags: what can i do to get rid of my acne, getting rid of acne scars naturally, does facial treatment for acne work

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